вторник, 5 мая 2009 г.

About Acne

Vitamin A, first identified in 1920, is used by the body for vision, immunity and bone and tissue maintenance and growth. In relation to acne, it is common to find a synthetic form in topical creams and lotions. This article will discuss some of the natural sources of vitamin A and its role, rather than advocate its use as a stand alone treatment or a "magic bullet" cure in any way. We will be limiting ourselves to the perspective of vitamin deficiency as a possible contributor to acne, rather than vitamin supplements as a method of treatment.

Supplemental vitamin dosages should be taken under medical supervision only, as some vitamins are stored in the body and can reach toxic levels. Some, such as vitamin A taken repeatedly in high dosages, have dangerous and even tragic side effects. Particularly those at risk are women during pregnancy. Diabetes is another factor to consider in relationship to vitamin supplements.

Vitamin A is derived from two natural sources: animal and

Before Accutane: After Accutane plant. Hence diet is the first and most natural area to examine. Deficiencies commonly occur from not eating enough of the foods that contain certain vitamins. This may or may not be by choice. In developing countries there is often no choice, but in developed countries it is more by choice.

What are natural sources of vitamin A? Let's look at a few.

Animal sources: • Meat • Liver • Kidney • Eggs • Dairy products (whole milk) • Fish oils • Etc.

Plant sources: • Red and orange fruits • Cantaloupes • Carrots • Spinach • Sweet potatoes • Mangoes • Squash • Etc.

There are many other sources of vitamin A or foods that contain substances from which the body derives it. A good, balanced, healthy diet should satisfy our body's needs naturally. We can easily see the benefit in relationship to acne of a strong immune system and tissue maintenance and growth.

A risk to our health can arise from an unregulated intake of vitamin A supplements. This is a classic case of more does not make better. It doesn't mean that supplements don't have their place. The intention here is to raise a red flag of warning for anyone considering self treatment without proper supervision.

Considering the physical and psychological impact of acne and the abundance of those claiming to have cures, it may be tempting to try just about anything. Vitamins A, E, C and various B vitamins are believed to be, in one way or another, of benefit in acne treatment, but again, not as a stand alone cure.

Vitamins for acne treatment should be considered at most only a part of a holistic treatment method, or as a part of the whole process of wellness and good health. Your doctor or dermatologist, upon examination will be able to determine if you have a deficiency of vitamin A, or any other deficiencies. Proceeding with their recommendations will always be the best policy.

As a positive step toward good health, healing and prevention of disease, why not examine your diet and eating habits. One easy way to naturally supplement your vitamin intake is to begin substituting a fruit or vegetable for sweet snacks. Another easy method is simply adding a healthy vegetable or fruit to your menu. A lot of our diets mostly consist of old habits. It may not be the total answer or cure for your acne but eating "right" will be a step in the right direction.

Accutane - Best remedy for Acne

People with acne have sensitive skin. People using Accutane and Retin A (tretinoin) have even more sensitive skin. I have been battling cystic acne since my teens. Trust me, I Know! I had my first dermabrasion when I was in my late twenties, and I have had several acne scar laser treatments since then. My dermatologist back in Connecticut is a big fan of Exuviance products. I started using the restorative cream when I was on Accutane the first time in the 1980's.
Here I am 58 years old, and I am on it again. Ifyou know acne, you know there is no cure for cystic acne. I am just so
thankful that there is finally a treatment for cystic acne that I can benefit from. It was a number of years of silent suffering before Accutane was a solution for me since it has only been around since the early 1980's. There is no question that Accutane is not just the best acne medication for severe and cystic acne, but the only medication for severe and cystic acne. Now, let's get back on the subject of good make up. The restorative cream is meant for night time use, but my dermatologist, Dr. Barry Goldberg, Danbury, Ct. of Advanced Dermcare, suggested that I use it all the time. If you are a Retin-A user, or an Accutane user, or both, this product is an amazing moisturizer for that extra dryness that is an unpleasant side effect of both acne treatments.

The concealer is a bonus. It's not a miracle mask, but it tones down redness very nicely. Anyone with bad skin knows that less is better. The more stuff you pile on, the worse your skin looks. Because the concealer does not sit on top of your skin, it looks way better! Another option for "good makeup" is with the new mineral foundation that is so popular. I found that Raw Minerals Makeup worked best for me because of their colors. I have also used Bare

Escentual Minerals Makeup and have found it very light and covers nicely as well. What is good about the mineral foundation is that it is light and not cakey, so it doesn't make your skin stand out when you really want to hide it.

Remember, less is better!

Cystic acne, sometimes referred to as nodulocystic acne, is one of the most painful skin diseases. Many people refer to all forms of severe breakouts as being "cystic". However, this is a specific condition where sufferers develop severe blemishes that develop under the surface of the skin. It is also quite common for such sufferers to have nodules, which appear in the form of bumps or lumps under the skin and are much bigger than papules.

There are many different risk factors that are commonly associated with cystic acne. Age is certainly a major factor as it's most common among young males. Family history also potentially plays a role as this skin disease has proven to be passed down through family members. Those who had a family member suffering from the condition are much more likely to suffer themselves.

For the most part, cystic acne is caused by the same factors that commonly cause all other forms of the condition. For instance, dead skin cells located in hair follicles are a major cause. A larger than normal concentration of bacteria can eventually lead to this condition too. And oil glands that become overactive can also bring similar symptoms.

The good news is that there are several options available in terms of treatment for cystic acne sufferers. However, the condition almost always requires professional treatment, as a single method will not prove to be effective for all patients. That's why many will have to make several attempts until they can find a treatment that works well for them.

One option available is a surgical procedure to remove the infected matter from within the acne. There are also oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives for women that can be effective in some cases. Other treatment methods include Accutane and intralesional corticosteroid injections. All these have proven to be effective in relieving the symptoms commonly associated with cystic acne. However, the right treatment for you may depend on your specific condition as well as factors such as age and gender.

Natural Treatment for Acne

As everyone does, you like your face. You have taken all necessary measures to prevent it from being affected by the slightest problem. Then, one day you notice some comedones (whiteheads and blackheads), papules, and even nodules appear on your face. As the disease progresses, you see pustules, skin lesions containing pus. You do not want to use chemicals, or you have been using them, they damage your skin instead of improving it. You are looking for a natural treatment to help you get your smile back. Your search may be over today. Along with our remedies, if you practice patiently the advice in this article, you will be able to get rid of acne naturally without spending a fortune.

Before going further, you should know that there is no effective treatment against acne without an appropriate diet. Our remedies are highly recommended with this following acne diet:

Zinc - take zinc supplement for at least two months. Zinc plays a major role in wound healing and fortification of the immune system. It may seem unbelievable; some people get rid of acne by increasing their zinc supplement. However, overdose is toxic to your body; it can lead to gastrointestinal problems, anemia, dizziness, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea and fever. Therefore, take the recommended dose.

Selenium - Selenium strengthens the immune system and fight against skin aging and other skin problems including acne. Increase your selenium intake along with any acne treatment. You can find selenium supplements at low price in any store that sells vitamins and supplements. Overdose can lead to hair loss, tooth decay, brittle nails, white spots, loss of appetite, sour or metallic taste in the mouth, Garlic smelling breath, change in skin pigmentation, tingling feeling in my hands and feet. Just take the recommended dose; overdose will expedite the healing process.

Vitamin E - decades ago, scientists recognized only the anti-free radical property of vitamin E. today, studies have shown vitamin E maintains skin's moisture and protects against its premature aging. Eat abundantly foods rich in vitamins E (whole grains, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, sardines, egg yolks, nuts and seeds). Vitamin E overdose could lead to fatigue, headaches, nausea, blurred vision, flatulence, and diarrhea; do not overdose.

Vitamin C - in addition to the major role of vitamin C on immune system cells, it participates in the development of collagen (a protein that help you have a younger and healthier skin and look), the rejuvenation of the skin and complexion. Vitamin C also helps your body maintaining healthy tissues and a strong immune system. Drink plenty of fresh lemon juice. Although rare, overdose can lead to gastrointestinal irritation, diarrhea, and Kidney stones (especially in people at risk of kidney stones)

Vitamin A -It protects the skin and enhances skin resistance to the assault of ultra-violet. It protects against eyes problems, and accelerates the healing of acne. In addition, Vitamin A seems to play a major role in the immune function. Overdose can lead to birth defects, nausea, jaundice, irritability, anorexia, vomiting, blurry vision, headaches, muscle and abdominal pain and weakness, drowsiness, and altered mental status. The best way to get your vitamin A id to drink two glasses of carrot juice a day, preferably in an empty.

Cucumber juice - Along with all these supplements, you can drink fresh cucumber juice; it will help you lose weight and rejuvenate skin cells. In addition, you can apply it directly on the acne-affected area to calm inflammation and irritation.

During the treatment, and even after, avoid diet rich in sugar, fried and processed foods; they encourage acne breakouts. In addition, avoid stress that could lead the body to produce certain hormones, which could contribute to the development or worsening of acne. Now that you know your acne diet, you need a natural acne formula to use along with the supplements. Whether you are a teen or an adult, our herbal acne remedies can work for you. Our remedies help to control oil glands, and maintain bacterial growth in your skin cells at a normal level.